Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sitting Bull Essay Example

Sitting Bull Paper If we live to the biblical life-span of three score years and ten, then the vast majority of our life-cycle will be spent in adulthood an area about which little was known in terms of psychological theory and research until fairly recently. Indeed Levinson et al (1978) go so far as to describe adulthood as one of the best-kept secrets in our society and probably in human history, generally . Can it be possible that by applying the psychological perspective of a theory of lives to an adults passage through life that we could gain a better understanding of an individuals life structure or as Levinson (1978) describes the concept the underlying pattern or design of a persons life at a given time (quoted in Sugarman p. 103)? In an effort to answer this question, I have chosen to examine the life of possibly one of the best known Native American Chiefs namely Sitting Bull (Tatanka-Iyotanka) of the Hunkpapa Sioux. I chose to read 2 biographies on Sitting Bull and although both are on the same person, the authors use different approaches to provide insights into the mans character. The main theories of lives which I chose to apply in this assignment were those of Erikson, (with particular reference to his development of ego strengths) and Maslow, since I felt that they were likely to be more relevant, given Sitting Bulls cultural background, then a more modern theory such as Levinsons. We will write a custom essay sample on Sitting Bull specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sitting Bull specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sitting Bull specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Also, much of Eriksons research was done amongst the Sioux Indians while if we were to look at the fifteen characteristic traits of self-actualising people as identified by Maslow (quoted in Sugarman, pp. 31-34), then it could certainly be suggested that Sitting Bull was operating successfully at some, if not indeed all, of these levels. Stanley Vestals biography Sitting Bull Champion of the Sioux (3rd ed. 1989) approached the character of Sitting Bull by way of the literary method after spending 5 years gathering information for the original edition of the book in 1932. Vestal spent much of his youth living in Indian Territory, playing games with Cheyenne and Arapaho boys and consequently developing what would seem to be an abiding interest in their culture. Upon deciding to write a biography on Sitting Bull after the first World War, he returned to Sioux country where there were still tribal members living who had experienced Indian life firsthand along with some who had known Sitting Bull personally. It is worth mentioning here that only those who actually knew the Sioux and could merit their confidence were able to secure factual data so perhaps a strong point in Vestals favour, at least from my personal point of view, was the realisation that he had obviously gained enough of the Siouxs confidence to be adopted, as a son, in 1929 by One Bull, a nephew of Sitting Bull; who along with another nephew, White Bull (supposedly the Indian who actually killed Custer at Little Big Horn) provided their support and co-operation to enable their uncles life story to be printed. Indeed for more than half a century, Vestals work dominated book-shelves as the standard biography of Sitting Bull, a fact acknowledged by Robert Utley in my other chosen reading The Lance and the Shield: The Life and Times of Sitting Bull (1998) which builds the character of Sitting Bull by historical method; although he does admit that sources he used provided him with enough persuasive evidence to corroborate the essence of the image recalled for Vestal by White Bull, One Bull and the other Indians of the 1920s The problem which Utley seems to suffer from is similar to the one which I also faced when attempting to apply the relevance of a theory of lives to Sitting Bulls life-history in that it is difficult to look at him in terms of his cultural norms and not mine, although there are occasions when it has been possible to use what little knowledge I have learned about his culture to perhaps better understand his motivations or at least not pass judgement on him through my lack of understanding. Sitting Bull was born in March 1831 at Many-Caches on the south bank of Grand River, South Dakota. As a child he was nicknamed Slow, seemingly because even as a child, he did not instantly put food from his hand to his mouth (as is the habit of most babies) but instead held the food in his hand, constantly turning it over and looking at it before deciding to eat it although once he accepted it, however, he never let go (Vestal, p. 3), and as we will discover this tenacity was a characteristic which he maintained right up to the day that he died. Even as a child, Sitting Bull was proud of his nation and longed for the time when he could share the brave adventures of the warriors. We need to understand here that to the Sioux prestige, especially won on the warpath was an all important dream so it seems small wonder that at the age of 14, Sitting Bull was so eager to prove to the Sioux that he was a man that he followed his father and other warriors on a raid against the Crow where he successfully achieved the goal of every Indian warrior namely counting coup, i. e.touching or striking the enemy with the hand or with a coup-stick. Although our culture may find it difficult to comprehend, Indians regarded hand-to-hand combat as the only manly form of battle even after they had obtained long-range weapons because the prime object of Plains Indian warfare was not bloodshed or manslaughter of the enemy, but a way of distinguishing oneself. Consequently, counting coup was rated by the Indians as a more greater war honour than the mere killing of an enemy and indeed all their social privileges were dependent upon achieving as many coups as possible. Small wonder then that at age 14, Sitting Bull appeared to be particularly concerned with finding his own personal space in Sioux adult society. He certainly seems to have obtained formal operational thought as defined by Piaget in that he could think what others would think of him, because before riding off to join his father and the other warriors, he was able to conceive that had he informed his mother and his two sisters of his intentions then they would soon remind him that he was just a boy, only fourteen years old (Vestal, p. 8), and also of how upon catching up with the other warriors he felt the silent disapproval of these men (Vestal, p. 8). At this stage of his life, Sitting Bull might be seen as matching Eriksons 5th stage of psychosocial development, since he seems to have gained some understanding of the values and beliefs of his culture to which he felt he must show commitment and loyalty, thus he appears to have been successful in producing the ego strength of fidelity whereby the need is felt to be true to ourselves. Indeed, Erikson suggests that the achievement of a sense of self-identity can carry people through difficult times in their lives and provide them with a feeling of being at home in ones body, a sense of knowing where one is going and an inner assurance of anticipated recognition from those who count (Gross p. 633) It might also be suggested that even at the young age of 14, Sitting Bull seems to be motivated to address himself to the 4th level in Maslows hierarchy of needs self esteem, since he appears to be seeking a high level of self-respect and also respect from others which, when satisfied, leads as Maslow suggests to feelings of self-confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in the world (Maslow, 1970, p.45 quoted in Sugarman, p. 31). Having achieved a sense of adult identity, Erikson suggests that the developmental task of early adulthood is to achieve the ego strength of love achieved through the establishment of intimacy the adaptive outcome of his 6th psychosocial stage. The maladaptive outcome of this stage is isolation, although it should be stressed here that Erikson does not see these adaptive/maladaptive personality outcomes as either/or alternatives, suggesting instead that every personality represents a mixture of both with healthy development involving the adaptive outweighing the maladaptive. With regard to Sitting Bulls exploits in early adulthood, it should be recognised that Sioux mores exalted female chastity a point seemingly observed by General Sully in his official statement that the females of the wild bands of Sioux, called the Teton Sioux, set an example of virtue worthy of being copied by any civilized nation (Vestal p. 24).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Euro and Its Potential for essays

The Euro and Its Potential for essays The Euro and Its Potential for Harmfully Affecting Britain Great Britain, a leading country in the world since the industrial revolution is likely to eliminate a major barrier between itself and the formation of a European state in the next several years. The introduction of a new currency, the Euro, and the loss of their own, the pound, could happen as early as the end of this year. To understand why Britain faces the possibility of changing currencies at the beginning of the twenty- first century and why this would be a mistake, you must first understand the history of the European Union. The European Union is an Organization of European countries concerning trade, defense and politics that was created in 1993. However, its roots date back to the Western European Union, or the WEU, a Union that was formed in 1948 because of the Soviets. The WEU more specifically was an agreement to pool military resources. Great Britain was not among the six nations that signed this treaty. In 1957, a very important development occurred, the WEU created the EEC or the European Economic Community. Britain did not take part in the WEU however, or the EEC, and came up with an alternative forum for trade, the European Free Trade Agreement in 1960. Britain soon realized it had taken up with only the smaller countries in the EFTA and applied for the EEC in 1961. They did not gain admittance into the EEC until 1973, when new French President George Pompidou did not bar their admittance, as his predecessor De Gaulle had done. Between 1961 and 1973 the EEC merged with the WEU to form the Eur opean Community. When Britain joined in 1973 they had to not only accepted the terms of the EEC but the WEU as well. Britains reluctant involvement with the EC and its further development the EU has continued to reflect their desire for free trade, not a European state. The Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1993. It formally created the European Union by doin...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CLASS ROSTER PROJECT and Summary Grade by Artifact Coursework

CLASS ROSTER PROJECT and Summary Grade by Artifact - Coursework Example Analogous to the hierarchical model only there's no parent/child difference. Any record kind may be linked with any number of dissimilar record types. Data quality and operations on the attributes are summarizing inside objects. Objects can inherit properties, can be widespread to form new objects, and are reusable. The O-O model is a quite original way of looking at things. Just remember that these are universal policy. Common sense will constantly require to be applied to check the excellence of the relationship modeling. Again this step is supposed to be done extremely methodically. A relation in 4NF that does not have a unite dependency. A link dependency occurs when a relation cannot be alienated into two (or more) relations such that the ensuing tables can be recombined to form the unique table. By means of normalization entire we know move on to step 3, where we step back at our normalized relations and see of there's any way we can logical combinations we can make to simplify the set, decrease overlap, and/or increase competence. One of the major complaints concerning relational databases is the intricacy of the relations themselves. That is, how everything's split out into every these tables. This is where we effort to reduce that difficulty.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Doctrine of election and its application to biblical studies Essay

Doctrine of election and its application to biblical studies - Essay Example The doctrine of election is a critical aspect in theology as it plays a vital role in the lives of many Christians. This doctrine has overwhelming biblical support and has extensive application in biblical studies. The doctrine of election is has been one of the most debated doctrines in theology. Those who support the doctrine, and who are the majority, claim that God predestined the fate of all humans. In this context, election means that from the beginning, God selected some people out of his sovereignty for salvation. On the other hand, opponents of the doctrine claim that there is no way that God can select or choose some individuals at the expense of others. They deem that is the doctrine of election was true, then there should no be evangelism and that God could not have wasted his time creating the individuals he did not select. However, there is considerable evidence in the scriptures that God has his chosen people both in the Old and New Testament. The doctrine of election rests in the premise that man does not have power to choose his fate, but God has the sovereign authority to predestine the fate of man. This paper will discuss in detail the doctrine of election. It will provide a historical overview of the doctrine, tracing its origin. It will also discuss the nature of the doctrine in terms of its validity, uniqueness and distinguishing features. In addition, this paper will seek to analyze the biblical defense of the doctrine and discuss its application in biblical studies. Finally, the paper will analyze some opposition to the doctrine and provide a conclusion based on the findings. ... It will also discuss the nature of the doctrine in terms of its validity, uniqueness and distinguishing features. In addition, this paper will seek to analyze the biblical defense of the doctrine and discuss its application in biblical studies. Finally, the paper will analyze some opposition to the doctrine and provide a conclusion based on the findings. Introduction The doctrine of election depicts that God singled certain persons in his mind from both angles and men and ordained them into the eternal life and blessedness. Prior to creating them, he decided their destiny just as a builder plans and determines every part of the building before laying the building materials for performing his design. Therefore, election may be the part of advice of God where He did it from all perpetuity purpose in Himself to show His grace upon His creatures. A definite decree about the creatures made the election effective (Pink, 2). The largest podium for discussions in the Christian community is t he doctrine of unconditional election. Most opponents of the doctrine of election deem that God bestows the choice of each person’s salvation upon himself or herself. They assert that people are the one to choose whether they will believe in God or not. This means that the person has to decide upon his life and it applies even in the modern society. In support on the doctrine of election, Piper counters that God chooses whom to save, which is the meaning of election. He claims that man is dead in sins and therefore, no condition where man has to meet with God before He chooses to save him from his sinful actions (1). God chose some individuals before the foundation of the world. Such chosen people acquired their redemption at the cross and God

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Men and women have equal pay. Discuss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Men and women have equal pay. Discuss - Essay Example Recognising the biased nature of the wage situation, several attempts have been made on the part of the UK government and other equal-rights organisations to remove the inequality, but limited progress has been made until now. Rather, the situation persists despite the fact that laws have been passed to discourage this practice1. Theories for the existence and persistence of this problem are many. Some blame the lower level of education or other kind of training possessed by women; others to the willingness of women to accept initial wage offers. Still others attribute the wage gap to problems in the labour market or to the alternate responsibilities of women as mothers or child-carers. Whatever the reason: occupational segregation, sex discrimination, or other; it is evident that even today the labour market is constructed in a way that allows women to be poorly paid for a job that they do as well as the men who work alongside them. One study describes wage discrimination as stemming from the â€Å"crowding [of] women into a limited range of occupations† (Walby and Olsen, 2002, p. 41). This is also known as occupational segregation. Women have made great strides in the working world since their general entrance into the workforce, which occurred only recently. However, they still have much to do in order to be considered on the same level as men. In the British Virgin Islands, poverty â€Å"has been especially associated with female headed households because of the concentration of women in lower paying jobs† (Status of Women, 2005). This type of â€Å"crowding† is typical all over the United Kingdom. Women are forced into menial or low-skilled jobs, largely because many do not possess the education or skill to fill higher positions. This is especially true of older women, who lived in a generation where women were much less likely to attain higher levels of education. As a result, women fi nd themselves in general receiving less money than

Friday, November 15, 2019

Importance of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Importance of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) The importance of Strategic Human Resource Management in organization: According to my understanding during the lecture period Human Resource Management Strategy as a central philosophy of the way that people in the organization are managed and the translation of this into HR policies and practices. To be affective, policies and practices need to be integrated so that they make a coherent whole that is integrated with the business or organizational strategy (Torrington and Hall) Strategic Human Resource Management is the vital factor for an organization to achieve its strategic goals as it has increased in importance since 1980s by considering the following factors which are discussed below: Globalization is the current phenomenon of the world which has integrated all the business environments under one umbrella where Strategic Human Resource Management in only way to show the business what is the actual goals of that business. By its activities business organization can overcome global needs as SHRM learns organizations to sort out what is their positions and where they want to go in global business arena. Government rules and regulations which are the important issues for organizations, because it affects the organizations, business activities, through its own policy and procedures. An organization which can be overcome these issues through its strategic Human Resource policy, because organizations prepare its staffs, employees, stakeholders to be aware regarding these issues and do accordingly. Knowledge and research based activities have impacted the organization dramatically in todays world, where Strategic Human Resource management helps the organization to nursing their Human Resource management accurately as well as make ready them to overcome future goals. Labour unions which is the combined activities of Labours in the business that has affected the business strategic activities vigorously, but in this place, Strategic Human Resource Management gives treatments to them to be proactive and taking initiatives regarding labours demand and benefits which help the organization to meet up the staffs problems. (According to my own understanding) 1.2 The purpose and contribution of Strategic Human Resource Management activities in an organization: Case Study ASDA ASDA is one of the reputed retailer companies of WAL-MART which was formed in 1965 by a group of farmers from Yorkshire and its activities are still mainly based in the north of Britain. It expanded south in 70s and 80s , in 1989 buying rival change Gateways Superstores which is offering shoppers everything from Frank furthers to Diamond rings. ASDA is the second largest food seller that operates 370 stores from where primarily sell groceries and apparel, also the stores which are situated in different parts of the UK sell CDs, books, DVDs, House wear financial services, take away meal etc. The Strategic Human Resource Management of ASDA which has developed its overall activities, because every year ASDA recruits 10,000 workers, 10,000 permanent staffs to work as little as 10 weeks a year. ASDA always targeted people over 50 and it has already employed 22,000 people aged over 50. For managing their SHRM ASDAs employees trainings is the highest in the market. Every year they recruit fresh trainee employee to build a proactive team for the management. ( As the part of SHRM management ASDA follows following structures of management: ASDA Corporate level Business level Operational level Board of Directors All regional managers Line managers Chief executive officer(CEO) Line Supervisors etc. Country Directors Chairman Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Technical Officer(CTO) Divisional Head By this structure ASDA monitored and supervised all the activities while they ensure the power and position of that structure by its unique policy. For managing Strategic Human Resource Management ASDA assists organization to meet the needs of their employees in the best way they can, so that company goals can be promoted. It also managing people proactively, because it requires planning ways for ASDA to meet the needs of its employees, thinking ahead and also helping the employees to meet the needs of the organization. This process changes the outlook and affects the way things are done at this business site, in others words it help to integrate modern ideas and models into the traditional Human Resource practices to come up with better solutions which not only benefit the employees, but the organization. It helps the organization from the hiring of employees, to the training, assessment and discipline [ resource-management.html] For proper employee management by ASDA it has affected the organization significantly, because ASDA be aware about the employees career and development resulting reducing time frame of recruitment and selection process, retention staff in the organization, creates the productivity of the employee by developing training programs. It also arranges career programs for the employee which builds the employees loyalty towards ASDA which gives them unique efforts to fight with competitors in the market. Strategic Human Resource Management is the process of Human resource Management for a long period of time which helps organization to achieve its long term goals. As a part of these activities ASDA maintains high standard of Human Resource Management through its unfair and competitive employees selection, motivation and training which given ASDA to be almost a market leader in the UK super market. It has established companies overall growth, revenue and satisfaction of stakeholders. (According to my understanding during the class period) From the ASDA business site it is viewed that it has announced plans to create 9000 jobs in the UK through a mixture of new stores (20+new stores + extensions to existing stores), product range extensions in terms of non-food selling space named ASDA living and others business expansion like home shopping, online shopping via-ASDA direct. It sounds like an ambitious growth plan, although ASDA needs to keep growing quickly just to maintain its relative market share, where ASDA planed 179000 employees employ in the year. [] President and CEO of Wal-Mart International, Dong McMillan thanked Andy Clarke for his leadership role in the development of the ASDA business during his times as president and CEO and in other roles during his 16 year career at the retailer I am extremely proud of the management team at ASDA and the contribution that each of our nearly 170,000 colleagues makes every to serve our customer. We are very well positioned to continue to win in the UK market [] From the discussion above it has been found that ASDA has been serve the customer promptly through their proactive management team which has impacted ASDA to improve its business growth revenue which attracts stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, government, local community and competitors etc. Nowadays ASDA stakeholders feel confident as they invest as they could. Therefore, as a global company ASDA which is maintain its SHRM policies resulting to achieve overall growth of its business. Conclusion As a part of HRM development ASDA has been taking more initiatives in its operation, because every year ASDA recruited highly educated trainee officer in their organization. As well as they arranges graduate programmes for hunting talents to their organization. Moreover, they provide training for improving the skills of employees and prepared them to perform duties for next designation. There are so many others programs which has been conducted by ASDA such as communication with all levels of employees, stakeholders etc. Therefore, the HRM management of ASDA has got success in its operation by which organization achieves its strategic goals. Human Resource Planning 2.1 The business factors that underpin human resource planning and the human resource requirements in an organization: Tesco is considered as one of the Britains biggest and most profitable super market chain and according to the website of Tesco which states that is the darling-of the City. Tesco PLC which is an overseas retailer that principal activity is retailing and associated activities in the UK, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, the republic of Ireland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Poland etc. The main activity of the company is that of retailing, retailing service and financial services, retailing services which includes the companys online shopping channels,,, Tesco personal finance (TPF) and dunhumby which is consumer research business. Tesco is 2nd largest super market in Europe and 4th largest in the World operates 2318 stores in twelve countries around the world and employs 326,000 people. According to Terry Lehy Tesco is market leader in six out of twelve countries it operates in with its largest stores not in Bristol or Birmingham but in Budapest. It operates 1878 stores in the UK, 261 stores in Europe and 179 stores across Asia and plans to open 184 stores worldwide over the next year. In the UK there are 83 Tesco extra stores, 4447 Tesco super store, 161 Tesco Metro stores, 277 Tesco express stores and 910 recently acquired T S stores to be converted. [] Recently Tesco has started business in petroleum named Tesco petroleum as well as it operates Tesco finance and Tesco CNG conversion. Every Tesco involve with so many accusation, joint venture, merger etc. locally and internally. As a part of these expansion activities Tesco maintains high standard of quality staff that have facilitated Tesco to operate its business successfully. However, the business factors that underpins the Human Resource of Tesco which are given below: Human Resource planning is the term use to describe how companies ensure that their staffs are the right staff to do the jobs. Sub topics include planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills analysis and much more. Tesco has to consider some external factors such as supply and demand, labour market, image/goodwill, PESTEL, unemployment rate, housing, childcare, competitors, spouse/partner career, location etc. and internal factors such as recruitment policy, HR planning, size of the farm, cost of recruitment, travel time, recognition, temporary part time employees, work culture, growth and expansion, timeliness. [] All part of these factors influence the Tesco in case of expanding its business locally and globally, but Human Resource management overtake these factors by its unique features such as training, motivating, recruiting, learning, coaching etc. World is changing rapidly, where all the business organization has come to the global umbrella. Every year Tesco has to do so many accusation, mergers and joint ventures all over the world to fulfil the global needs of customers, but for these expanded business activities it requires thousands and thousands skilled employees who have proper local and global knowledge to handle the business swiftly. For example, recently Tesco has started its operation in Asian countries while it requires some skilled people who have local knowledge of Asia, in terms of Asian Language, religion, culture, political and ethical matter. There also need a country director who has capability to lead the business in Asia with his strong hand. He must be well-known about Asian labour market, culture, political and legal situation as well as he should be capable enough to understand language of every people of that country. Manpower is the vital factor for Tesco to operate its business in Asia as it wants to penetrate the whole Asian market chronologically within next couple of years. As part of its activities they should be required to reserve some staffs to employ them in proper expansion. Furthermore, they should be needed for hiring some skilled employees from local organization to overcome competitive market in that environment. Tesco also should be considered employ some local employees by lower c ost where they could be given the company better opportunity. Expansion the business outlets which is the continuous process of ASDA as it tries to increase its outlets locally and globally every year, but for expanding its business HRM is the vital issue, because it ensures the overall expansion activities. As a part of that activities ASDA would be required to take following initiatives: Recruiting highly educated employees as a fresh trainee officer. Hiring highly experienced employees from others similar organization. Recruiting staff to adapt with new environment. Giving promotions to tolerate the new business outlets. Recruiting highly experience CEO or Country Director specially for global expansion. Therefore, the requirement of Human Resource is very important issue for Tesco to expand its business locally and globally. So, it should be aware about HR management through proper selection, recruiting, motivation, communications, trainings etc. Development of a human resource plan and its contribution on the meeting of organizations objectives as well as purpose of human resource management policies and impact of regulatory requirements on this policies in organization Human Resource development plan for an organization is the important issue to on how the organizations are managing their activities well in the market, this includes following steps: Job analysis which identifies a job regarding specific roles and responsibilities and abilities, skills, qualifications need to perform the jobs successfully. Human Resource planning which is the initiative through which an organization tries to ensure right number of qualified people in the right jobs at the right times. Employee recruitment that is the way for seeking and attracting a pool of applicants from which qualified candidates can be selected for the organizations against of that job vacancy. Employees selections which involves offer the employee for recruitments from the available candidates applied for this job. Performance appraisal that is associated with identifying how well employees are performing their jobs, communicating that information to the employees and taking initiative for measurement their performance by their activities, i.e. arranging promotion for good performance. Training and development which help employees learn how to perform their jobs, improve their performance and prepare themselves for more senior positions. Career planning and development by which organization identifies employees career goals, possible future job opportunities and personal improvement by which it is ensured qualified employees are available when needed. Employee motivation which is the vital factor for any organization which focuses to make employees productive and lower rates of absenteeism and turnover. Every year Tesco collects so many bi-data from different sources from qualified applicant from which they select some people for recruitments. After recruiting they arrange training for fit themselves for their assign jobs. They also motivate staff by giving incentives, bonus, refreshment leave for motivation of employees, resulting a good employees structure for Tesco to implement its strategic goals. Human Resource plan for an organization is the curse of action by which organization can manage its Human Resources efficiently and effectively by which achieve the organizations objectives. The role of Human Resource functions is explained by the key objectives to be achieved. The following diagram shows the role of Human Resources which is helped to organizational objectives. Human resource plan can be contributed the organization for meeting its objectives by following ways: It strengthens human resource structures which helps organization to utilize all of the efforts of human resource into the organization resulting to achieve strategic goals. It keeps balance between management of employees management of financial resources which brings results for the organization. It helps organization to create skilled employment by which organization could expand its business locally globally. These activities help organization to involving acquisition, merger joint venture etc. in the own country as well as for operating business in the international countries. It ensures good practices for employees employment policies such as promotions, retention, rewards, punishments, health safety rules regulations which ensure the loyalty of employees towards the organization resulting to achieve organizational goals by these joint efforts. Tesco, making a human resource plan to set up a highly skilled person in the branch as a manager by whom it monitored implemented all of the activities in the operations levels. As a result, a lot of outlets which are giving service to customers resulting to achieve good turnovers which make sure the overall goals of tesco.[ According to my own research company websites of tesco] Purpose of human resource management policies in the organization is important factors that ensures the right, rules regulations of employees for doing works in the organization. Impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies confirms the right of employees employers. These policies focus to ensure the best practices of human resource management achieve organizational goals by employing them. Human resource policies revive all the rights of employees by which the inspire to invest all of the merits talents to the organization resulting to achieve of companys long term goals. These policies include getting best employees in the company paying employees all benefits , ensuring training, ensuring compliance to regulation, implement fair, safe equitable work environments, sustaining its performing employees non- profit human resources. All the policies mentioned above have unique features of its own by which organization can implement all of its strategic goals. For example, Tesco, the largest superstore in UK which is assuring high standard products services for customers through its performing team members while it reserves some rights for employees in the organization which has been sustained each employee management. According to part of that policies, Tesco maintains minimum national wages for employees, fixing up highly pay rates for its skilled employees where the arrange some training programmes, graduate programme, motivation, coaching, face to face discussion which has built its to make relationship with its employees. It also always aware about the health safety policies of its employees as it ensures some free medical treatment, health hygiene training for its employees for ensuring these policies. Tesco nowadays sustainable situation on human resource management. For proper human resource management gives Tesco power to bargain with customers, compete with rivals in price war, making bondage with its stake holders. In an organization regulatory policies ensure discipline of organization because it limits it into its system as well as employees in their organizational activities. More over into increases the loyalties of employees towards employers resulting to achieve organizational goals. Furthermore, it teaches employees to be motivated, dedicative, energetic into their duties as well as ensures their present lives, future lives family lives easier happy. The important matter to consider that these factors protected everyone in the organizations from the discriminations in terms of age, sex, ethnic groups, dis ability etc. while it ensures equal opportunities for all levels of employees making good relationship between employer employees. For example-When Tesco recruits people the meets these regulatory factors in their recruitment process as they make criteria for those people who are vulnerable for our society such as dis able, ethnic groups as well as they prioritize all levels of employees with their equal opportunities policies. In Tesco superstore who is working they do not know what is their origin of country, but they only know that they are the members of Tesco team which makes it very confident towards its staff management. Reviewing Human Resource Management 4.1,4.2,4.3 : Impact of Organizational structure, culture and effectiveness on Human Resource Management: Organizational structure and Human Resource Management practices are two special factors involved in corporate entrepreneurship which achieve organizational goals. By selecting and implementing the appropriate structure and practices, Human Resource professional can systematically foster and facilities innovation and entrepreneurship within the organization. The more that new and different entrepreneurial activities are needed, the more that complete structural arrangement as well as policy and procedures flexibility are needed. Proper organization structure is important for company to function effectively. Communicating clear paths of responsibility is key for a company to meet the needs the future growth as well as help in streaming the organization. The following diagram which shows the organizational structure for a company. [] There are some important points which are essential for the structure of an organization which is given below: Organizational Chart: Organizational chart which is the ideal manner for mapping the organization. It is an instrument for assessing personnel and managing the work force effectively. An organization which needs to visualize the companys structure in order to find out the role of each employee plays in the Human Resource chain. Human Resource Software: Human Resource Software which assist management of Human Resources to take decisions for the following matter: Succession Planning Organizational development Human Resource management Corporate re-organization Efficient management of resources. An organizational chart is specialized tool used by Human Resources professionals to be able to get a solid picture of the organization. An organizational chart is generally deployed in situation when management wants to identify areas throughout the enterprise that present opportunities for downscaling also known as down sighing. Organizational culture is the workplace environment formulated from the interaction of the employees in the work environment. It is defined by all of the life experiences, strengths, weakness, education, up-bringing and so forth of the employees, while executive leaders play a great role in defining organizational culture by their actions and leadership, all employees contribute to the organizational culture. [] Organizational culture and its environment factors in which organization exist determines the way of managing the organization(Saffold,1988:547).The relationship between Organisational Culture and Human Resources practices can be explained as follows: When the member of organization i.e. employees, understand and internationalized the organizational culture which can be said as the way things are done around here, it will enable for employee to choose strategy and behaviour that fit with their personality as well as with the main routines of organization activities. Human Resource Management policies which directly influence and are influenced by Corporate Culture, also significantly impact supply chain members. That is, Human Resource decisions are important because when firms hire personnel that meld with their company culture, these actions enhance shared social knowledge and increase consistency between employee and firm goals (Wilkens Ouchi 1983), shared social knowledge guides employees in making the right decision when confronted with novel situation(Weitz and Jap 1995). [] Organizational effectiveness depends on having the right people in the right jobs at the right time to meet rapidly changing organizational requirements. Right people can be obtained by reforming the role of Human Resource function. According to Bratton, JGold.J(2003),Human Resource Management is defined as a Strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging peoples capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices. According to this definition there is seen that Human Resource management should not merely handle recruitment, pay and discharging, but also should maximize the use of an organization human Resources in a most strategic levels. Stuffing, training, compensation and performance management are basically important tools in the Human resources practices that shape the organizations role in satisfying the needs of its stakeholders. Team work among lower levels of staff and the management should be created and maintained to assisting various angles that would deem necessary in eliminating, communication breakdown and foster better relationship among workers. The management should emphasize a good corporate culture in order to develop employees and create a positive and conducive work environment. In the summarization of Human Resource management there should have aim to capture the people element of what an organization is hoping to achieve in the medium to long term, ensuring the following things: It has the right people in place. It has the right mix of skills. Employees display the right attitude and behaviours, and Employees are developed in the right way. An organization which wants to achieve its goals it has to think before regarding the following Human Resource related issues in the organization: Work force planning issues. Succession planning. Workforce skills plan. Employment equity plans. Black economic empowerment initiatives. Motivation and fair treatment issues. Pay levels designed to recruit, retain and motivate people. The co-ordination of approaches to pay and grading across the organization to create alignment and potential unequal pay claims. A grading and remuneration system which is seen as fair and giving proper reward for contributions made. Wider employment issues which impact on staff recruitment, retention, motivation etc. A consistent performance management framework which is designed to meet the needs of all sectors of the organization including its people. [] Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in an organization Human Resource Management is the essential part of an organization as it ensures the strategic goals of organization. The effectiveness of Human Resource management could be improved by the following ways- Recruiting and hiring highly educated and skilled employees for the organization. Training and development of Human Resource plan for the organization. Appraising the performance of employees for preparing them for performing jobs in the higher rank. Motivating employees by giving incentives, bonus, rewards etc. Strengthen communication among all levels of employees. Maintaining regulator factors for employees such as health and safety, pension, promotion etc. Maintaining equal opportunities system into the management. Forming different committee to monitor and supervised the employees roles and regulations such as compensation committee, audit committee, ethic committee etc. Ensuring job rotation and job analysis for each employee at different department. Doing job enrichment for employees.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Essay --

Temos aktualumas. Ã… ½monÄâ€"s vis daugiau laiko praleidÃ… ¾ia keliaudami, todÄâ€"l neiÃ… ¡vengiamai atsiduria nepaÃ… ¾Ã„ ¯stamose aplinkose, o tai sukelia Ä ¯vairiausiÃ… ³ nepatogumÃ… ³ ir problemÃ… ³. Keliaujantieji daugybÄ™ valandÃ… ³ praleidÃ… ¾ia planuojant, kokius lankytinus objektus nori pamatyti nuvykus Ä ¯ svetimÄ… Ã… ¡alÄ ¯ ar miestÄ…, taÄ iau ten atsidÃ… «rus vis vien dauguma dalykÃ… ³ atrodo painÃ… «s ir klaidinantys. Turint mobilÃ… ³jÄ ¯ Ä ¯renginÄ ¯ ir naudojant papildytosios realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramas Ã… ¡ie rÃ… «pesÄ iai gali bÃ… «ti greitai ir lengvai iÃ… ¡sprÄ™sti. PaÃ… ¾intinÄ ¯ turizmÄ… papildÃ… ¾ius virtualiais objektais, animacijomis ir kitokia grafine bei tekstine informacija, keliavimas tampa labiau Ä ¯traukiantis ir informatyvus. Lankant istorines vietas, papildytosios realybÄâ€"s programos gali realÃ… ³ vaizdÄ… padengti Ã… ¾emÄâ€"lapiais ir informacija, kuri leis pamatyti kaip Ã… ¡i vieta atrodÄâ€" prieÃ… ¡ kelis ar keliolika amÃ… ¾iÃ… ³. Italijoje 2009-ais metais visuomenei pristatytas „iTacitusâ€Å" projektas, kuris leidÃ… ¾ia lankytojams, vaikÃ… ¡tinÄâ€"jantiems po vietovÄ™, pamatyti virtualias, kaÃ… ¾kada ten stovÄâ€"jusias ir nugriautas 3D skulptÃ… «ras, pamatyti istorinÄ ¯ KoliziejÃ… ³ su jame oÃ… ¡ianÄ ia minia ir besirungianÄ iais gladiatoriais. GalimybÄâ€" iÃ… ¡plÄâ€"sti realÃ… ³jÄ ¯ pasaulÄ ¯ ir susisteminti matomus vaizdus iÃ… ¡ties Ã… ¾avi, taÄ iau Ã… ¡iÄ… technologijÄ… puoselÄâ€"jantys specialistai vis dar susiduria su daugybe techniniÃ… ³ bei socialiniÃ… ³ iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kiÃ… ³ ir problemÃ… ³. IÃ… ¡kreiptas realiÃ… ³ ir virtualiÃ… ³ objektÃ… ³ sulygiavimas, objekto atpaÃ… ¾inimas ir jutiklio tikslumas, vartotojo privatumas ir realios fizinÄâ€"s saugos rizika – tai tik keli susirÃ… «pinimÄ… keliantys iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kiai. SudÄâ€"tingÃ… ³ konstrukcijÃ… ³ gamyboje, medicinoje ar karinÄâ€"je pramonÄâ€"je papildyta realybÄâ€" Ã… ¡iandien yra sÄâ€"kmingai taikoma ir naudojama, taÄ iau tam yra skiriamos milÃ… ¾iniÃ… ¡kos investicijos, naudojami tiksliausi ir patikimi... ...nkstesniÃ… ³ skyriÃ… ³ literatÃ… «ros analizÄ™, autoriÃ… ³ iÃ… ¡vadas ir mikroprogramÃ… ³ palyginimo rezultatus, pasiÃ… «lyta paÃ… ¾intiniam turizmui tinkamiausia papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ platforma bei modeliai, kurie turÄâ€"tÃ… ³ bÃ… «ti integruoti joje. Ketvirtame skyriuje atliktas empirinis tyrimas, vertinant vartotojÃ… ³ poreikius integruojant papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ modelius Ä ¯ paÃ… ¾intinio turizmo infrastruktÃ… «rÄ…. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidÄâ€", kurie mikroprogramÃ… ³ modeliai ir jÃ… ³ pavyzdÃ… ¾iai labiausiai domina apklaustus respondentus. Kadangi tyrimo imtis buvo pakankama, gautus rezultatus ir iÃ… ¡vadas galima taikyti visai populiacijai – visi Lietuvos gyventojai. Darbas baigiamas iÃ… ¡vadomis, apie papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ pritaikymo galimybes paÃ… ¾intiniame turizme, ir pasiÃ… «lymais, kokius papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ modelius reikia integruoti Ä ¯ paÃ… ¾intinio turizmo infrastruktÃ… «rÄ….

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Matter of the heart and Coach Knight Essay

Coach K and Coach Knight both achieved significant success during their college coaching careers. Both coaches possessed the knowledge, skills, and abilities to lead their teams to numerous victories. However, their approaches to this success were very different. Robert Katz and M.D. Mumford identified three skills that leaders should have to ensure their effectiveness and success. Those skills included: technical, human, and conceptual skills. Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed a leadership grid that indicated behaviors of leaders that were based on people and results. Based on these two leadership models, the coaches were very diverse on the methods exercised to lead their teams. One coach was more concerned with human skills and development of people, while the other coach was more focused on technical skill and results. In employing the Katz and later studies of Mumford’s skills approach, Coach K is dedicated in promoting the development and growth within his team. He utilized his human skills in his ability to work with his team and other coaching staff to accomplish their goals (Northouse, p. 45). He created an environment of trust in where the team had faith in his leadership and each other. Coach K encouraged his team to rely on each other’s ideas and concepts and adapted them into his guidance of the team. He applied his technical and conceptual skills by creating a shared vision for the team and staff; while also using his knowledge and abilities about basketball to enable the team to reach victory. Coach Knight’s skills and how they related to the Katz and Mumford’s approach were slightly different. He utilized his technical skills with his team by providing them with examples of his experience and expertise of the game. Coach Knight conducted specific activities and drills that would ensure the team would be successful. He strongly believed that physical activity or the use of technical skills which involve hands on activity or processes within an organization would guarantee victory (Northouse, p. 44).  Creating a plan and a vision for his team, he pushed his players to strive for excellence. This was an example of his use of conceptual skills. However, Coach Knight lacked human skills. He has been criticized for being unconcerned about the feelings, thoughts, and concerns of others. Most people saw him as a tyrant or dictator. While analyzing the coaches using the Blake Mouton Grid, they are very dissimilar as well. Coach K exhibits the Team leadership results. He is very concerned with results, but is just as concerned about his team and their individual needs. He operates his team with encouragement and motivation for individual and organizational results. The team is driven to produce results and is satisfied or content with his leadership abilities. Yet, Coach Knight identifies with the Authority-compliance management system. He is focused on results by any means necessary. This leadership style is high on results and low on concerns for people. Coach Knight follows a strict system with emphasis on policies and procedures. He has been known to punish or terminate team members for not producing acceptable results. Although both coaches have experienced considerable success, they have two very different leadership styles used to accomplish their goals. While Coach K equally directs his attention to both task oriented and relationship based leadership, Coach Knight centers his leadership approach on only completing tasks and achieving results. Despite the distinctive natures of their leadership proficiencies, both men are respected and highly regarded in the basketball community. References Balancing task- and people –oriented leadership: The Blake Mouton managerial grid. Retrieved from Northouse. P. G. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th e.d.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Snook, S. A., Perlow, L. A., & Delacy, B. J. (2005 December 1). Coach K: A matter of the heart. HBS No 9-406-044. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing Snook, S. A., Perlow, L. A., & Delacy, B. J. (2005 December 1). Coach Knight: The will to win. HBS No 9-406-043. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing

Friday, November 8, 2019

Trends and Fads Love Is a Fallacy

Trends and Fads Love Is a Fallacy Introduction Trends and fads produce a multitude of social influences on society. Humanity witnessed the emergence and development of various trends and fads. They come and go, changing the ways individuals perceive the surrounding reality.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Trends and Fads: Love Is a Fallacy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The words â€Å"Charleston†, â€Å"Stutz Bearcat†, and â€Å"Raccoon Coat† date back to the 1920s, when young males sought to re-establish themselves in their culture through fashionable dress codes, expensive cars, and excellent dancing skills. Nothing has changed since then: raccoon coats are no longer fashionable, but trends and fads continue to dominate the hearts and minds of people, giving them a false sense of belonging to a privileged class. In Shulman’s story, as well as in the real world, a raccoon coat used to be a symbol of style and privilege among male college students. For Petey Bellows, the author’s roommate, a raccoon coat is a matter of life vs. death: he wants a raccoon coat above anything in the world. He knows that to have a raccoon coat means to â€Å"be in the swim† (Shulman). Petey believes that there is no way for him to outperform his peers other than to own a piece of fashionable clothes. He does not realize that being â€Å"in the swim† is the same as being lost in a gray crowd of people. That raccoon coats are unsanitary and weight too much means nothing to Petey (Shulman). He treats clothes as the sign of his privileged position and personal well being. In the 1920s, the revival of raccoon coats was accompanied by the returning popularity of Charleston, which rapidly grew into a social mania. Charleston was inseparable from fashion. Those who did not follow the trend would doom themselves to social oblivion, isolation, and even rejection. At that time, a young student wearing a racc oon coat and dancing Charleston would be a secret dream for dozens of girls. Undoubtedly, a fashionable car added to the picture of personal prosperity. Stutz Bearcat was one of the most fashionable cars in the 1920s.Shulman recalls how his father used to wear his raccoon coat â€Å"in his Stutz Bearcat in 1925†. The car carried a deep, complex social meaning. It was a symbol of prosperity, a sign of privilege, and a symptom of wealth and fashion. Shulman suggests that, back in his college years, his father used to be extremely fashionable. Simultaneously, the author is absolutely indifferent to these things. He tries to show that clothes, cars, and dancing skills have nothing to with personal uniqueness. Unfortunately, he fails to recognize the significance of these social codes, until his girl leaves to Petey, who wears a raccoon coat.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nothing has changed since then. Raccoon coats are no longer fashionable, but trends and fads continue to dominate people’s hearts and minds. Ferraris, personal airplanes, Armani clothes and fashionable after-parties create an image of enormous material wealth. Like many years before, these items symbolize a social privilege but tell nothing about individuality and uniqueness. The media spread the message of materialism, turning money into a self-goal. Inanimate objects replace individuality and uniqueness. They give a false sense of belonging to a privileged class but leave little room for personal development and growth. Conclusion Trends and fads come and go, but their social significance is difficult to underestimate. In the 1920s, raccoon coats, Stutz Bearcats and Charleston were the symbols of a privileged social position. Thousands of male college students would do anything to wear fashionable clothes and develop unique dancing skills; otherwise, they would doom themselves to oblivion, isolation, and social rejection. Nothing has changed since then: raccoon coats are no longer fashionable, but trends and fads continue to dominate people’s hearts and minds. The media spread the message of materialism and turn money into a self-goal. Ferraris, Armani clothes, and fashionable after-parties create a picture of wealth and wellness. Unfortunately, they have nothing to do with individuality, uniqueness, self-development, and personal growth. Shulman, Max. â€Å"Love Is A Fallacy.† Ask’n’Learn, n.d. Web.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Vrais Amis - French English True Cognates Letter P

Vrais Amis - French English True Cognates Letter P One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. The 1,700 words on the following pages are spelled (although not pronounced) identically in French and English and are true or semi-true cognates. Before you start memorizing them, please read some important notes about these cognates.The (parentheses) indicate the words part of speech in both languages, and, in the case of nouns, the gender of the noun in French.palindrome  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)palpable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)palpitation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)panache  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)panda  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)panorama  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pantomime  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)papa  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)paparazzi  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)paprika  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)papyrus  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)parachute  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)parade  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)paranormal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)paraphras e  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)parasite  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)parasol  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pardon  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)parent  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)parental  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)partial  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)participant  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)participation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)partisan  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)partition  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)passable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)passage  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)passion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pastel  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)pastoral  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)patience  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)patient  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)patio  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)patois  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)pause  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)payable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)pectoral  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)pedigree  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)penchant  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)penny  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pentagonal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)perceptible  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adject ive)perception  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)percussion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)perfection  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)perforation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)performance  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)permanence  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)perspective  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)persuasion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pertinence  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pertinent  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)perversion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pestilence  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pH  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)phallus  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)phase  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)philodendron  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)phosphate  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)phosphorescent  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)photo  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)photon  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)phylum  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)physique  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)piano  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)picaresque  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)piccolo  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pickpocket  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pidgin  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pigeon  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine no un)pigment  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pigmentation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pipeline  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)piranha  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pirate  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)pivot  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pixel  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pizza  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pizzeria  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)placebo  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)placement  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)placenta  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)plantation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)plaque  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)plasma  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)platitude  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)plausible  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)plumage  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)plural  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)plus  Ã‚  Ã‚  (conjunction)podium  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)poignant  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)police  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)polio  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)polka  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pollen  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pollution  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)population  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pore  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine no un)port  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)portable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)portion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)portrait  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)pose  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)position  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)possession  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)possible  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)postal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)postnatal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)posture  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)potable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)potassium  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)potion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prairie  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)prescription  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prestige  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)primate  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)primordial  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)prince  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)principal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)prison  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)probable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)procession  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)proclamation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)procuration  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)production  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)profession  Ã‚  Ã‚  (fe minine noun)profit  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)profitable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)profusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)programme (UK)  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)progression  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prohibition  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)projectile  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)projection  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prologue  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)promenade  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)promotion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)pronominal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)propagation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)propane  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)proportion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)propulsion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prose  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prospectus  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)prostate  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prostitution  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prostration  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)protection  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)protestation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)proton  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)prototype  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)provenance  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)proverbial  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)pr ovidence  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)province  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)provincial  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)provision  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)provocation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prude  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)prudence  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)psoriasis  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)public  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)publication  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)punk  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine / feminine noun)purge  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)purification  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Haven't decide it yet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Haven't decide it yet - Essay Example Convergence in the world of media is about having a collusion between two or more businesses that uses the Internet as a medium in order to attract more consumers to patronize their products and services. By increasing the scope of the services a telecommunication is offering its target consumers, the company is creating competitive advantages against its competetitors. relationship into the practice of franchising within the same company. In the book of Henry Jenkins entitled â€Å"Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide†, the author discussed convergence as a cultural process that integrates the use of images, sounds, brands, and business relationship among the different media system. Considering the fact that the business relationship among the different types of media system is being integrated, this study will conduct a primary and secondary research to examine and determine how it is possible to franchise media in a telecommunication company. The total number of Internet users in the United States has reached 427,569,939 or 46.1% of America’s total population as of 2009 (Internet World Stats). Because of the continuously increasing number of Internet users all over the world, the existence of the Internet has been classified by Jenkins as an â€Å"active medium† (Jenkins, Confessions of an Aca-Fan). In the absence of integrating the telecommunication services with the access to the Internet, the presence of the mobile phones are considered a â€Å"passive medium† (ibid). Based on the recent Internet World Stats report, the total number of Internet mobile broadband subscribers in the U.S. market has reached a total of 69,902,289 as of the end of second quarter of 2009 (Internet World Stats). In line with this, the 0.92% increase in the total number of mobile broadband users signifies the need for telecommunication companies to keep on improving the mobile services they render to the public. Convergence in media is referring to the

Friday, November 1, 2019

J.S. v. Blue Mountain School District and US v. Michael Anthony Essay

J.S. v. Blue Mountain School District and US v. Michael Anthony Marcavage, Appellant - Essay Example Michael Anthony Marcavage. The case was first filed in 2007 then the final decision took place in June 2010 in The Third Circuit. Michael Anthony filed an appeal against the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia. In the first case two students from Blue Mountain School District were suspended. They had created a fake profile of their principal on MySpace. The eighth standard students did not mention the principal, James McGonigle’s name on the profile but they included his picture which they took from the website of the school district. They also identified this profile of a person who is a ‘principal’. The profile also contained many negative comments about McGonigle and his family along with characterizing the principal as a sex-obsesses paedophile. The school had thus determined that the students had violated the discipline of the school by creating a fake profile. The school discipline prohibited any student of making negative accusations of an y staff members of the school. Thus, the students were suspended from school for ten days. J.S. was one of those students who sued McMonigle the school district and his superintendent in account of violating her rights from the First Amendment. She argued that she could not be punished for her out-of-school conduct or speech which did not cause any disruption for the classes or administration. It was ruled that any out-of-school speech which affects the school campus could be punishable, even if the effect does not cause substantial disruption as decided in Tinker’s case in 1969. However, J.S. then appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. The Third Circuit held that in the Tinker case it was applied that a student’s speech, whether out-of-school campus or in school campus, that causes harm or threatens the school or any member of the school district is punishable. J.S. was granted an en branc rehearing for her appeal. The en branc reversed the decision of the District Court and held that there was an exception to Tinker’s case that the school district could not punish students for their 0ff campus speeches that have not affected the educational mission of school. Thus it was concluded that the school district held no authority to punish the students for their off campus behaviour or speech. In the second case, Marcavage had started an anti-abortionist demonstration with about twenty other people along the sidewalk of the Independence National Historical Park. He had not applied for any permission for the demonstration. The place where he demonstrated was the only entrance and exit access to the Liberty Bell Centre. They positioned themselves outside the entrance hindering the entrance and exit to the Liberty Bell Centre. Alan Saperstein was the ranger of the Park and he approached Marcavage asking him to relocate from the entrance and exit access to the area near the Visitor Centre on Market Street. He also ask ed Marcavage to stop using his bullhorn. Despite the requests Marcavage refused to relocate and continued his demonstrations. Saperstein approached him again with Ian Crane on the telephone line who was the chief ranger of the Park and who had dealt with Marcavage before too. Marcavage was ordered to obey Saperstein and relocate but he refused. Saperstein came several times and received negative responses from Marcavage who continued his demonstrations so finally Saperstein came with some other rangers and physically restrained Marcavage by holding his hands at his back and marching him off the sidewalk. Marcavage was accused of violating the permit terms and interfering with the agency functions. He